The Workout 2024: Garage Gym

The garage gym, minus the bicycle trainer that I use in winter.

This is an update on my workout, which I posted about previously. After struggling with a shoulder impingement for a couple of years I started feeling normal again and ready to resume a more serious workout. I think the difference was taking collagen protein powder after any significant workout over the last year. It takes a while but it seems to work.

I've been watching the PatMac YouTube channel. The host is Pat MacNamara, a retired Army Delta Force operator and Green Beret. I don't agree with everything he says but his workout videos are inspirational and he is super disciplined. He works out with a "driveway gym." My driveway isn't suitable for a gym but I keep the garage floor swept, back the car out, and put down a mat, then do circuits. Since I don't really have much equipment for a circuit it is mostly calisthenics which I do in one place (on the mat), but what I mean is that rather than repeating sets of a single exercise I alternate through a list of exercises then repeat.

I like to play music and aim a fan at the workout space. We'll see how things go in the winter.


1. Roll back on the yoga ball to stretch my spine end to end, takes about 2 minutes
2. Slow bench press, using the yoga ball as a bench 12 repetitions x 60 pounds
3. Toe touch, hold 25 seconds
4. Crunches 12 repetitions
5. Backlifts a.k.a. Supermans 2 x 10 seconds
6. side splits about 25 seconds
7. front splits both sides x 25 seconds

(repeat list x3, replace stretches with groin stretch, sitting toe touch, and "frog" stretch for roundhouse kick flexibility)

8. front carries and back carries alternating 12 reps x 60 pounds each. I've had trouble integrating these into the circuit due to using some of the same muscle groups so I do them separately.

(repeat until exhaustion)

9. Optional: alternating front curls 12 x 40 pounds


Cardio, usually a 3 mile run but sometimes bicycling 8 to 10 miles. Winter will usually be the bicycle trainer in the garage. About 40 to 45 minutes is all I can stand of stationary bicycling. I like to watch live sports if available. Unfortunately I'm down right now with an achilles tendon injury, a consequence of doing sprints. It's taking forever to heal so my only cardio is the heavy bag right now.


1. Roll back on the yoga ball to stretch my spine end to end, takes about 2 minutes

2. pushups x 12

3. toe touch hold 25 seconds

4. double front leg lifts x 12

5. side splits x 25 seconds

6. front splits both sides x 25 seconds

7. back lifts twice x 10 seconds

8. groin stretch

9. frog stretch x 25 seconds for roundhouse kicks

10. punching bag straight punches both hands x 10

11. punching bag one-two (jab + straight punch) both hands x 10

12. front kicks (teeping) both legs x 10

13. hooks both hands x 10

14. roundhouse kicks both legs x 10

15. combinations until exhaustion or pain

16. (optional) experiment with other striking techniques like spinning kicks and backfist

I love the heavy punching bag. It's great fun. You just have to be careful to not injure your wrists or hands. There are techniques for that. I currently just slip on boxing gloves, pretty tight. I own wraps but haven't figured them out yet and they don't seem necessary. I intentionally do some punching without gloves or wraps on the odd days to get the best of both worlds: I hope to "condition" my hands and wrists for a real world fight scenario while using gloves to protect them for most of my punching.


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