Watching College Sports


The football team runs onto the field at Homecoming 2010 at Middle Tennessee State University.

I guess I didn't blog at all in July. I had some travel to visit family in Tennessee that lasted for a week but otherwise I've been normal. Except my evenings have been boring since I suspended my YouTube TV account for three months after the end of the college basketball season, with the plan to reactivate it before the beginning of college football season. Those are the two sports that interest me most in recent years. This saves money and is one of the advantages of subscribing to YouTube TV rather than traditional cable. Connecting and disconnecting cable is an ordeal, but it can be done with a couple of clicks on a streaming service. YouTube TV is cable without the nuisance and poor customer service. It's also slightly cheaper, though it requires internet service.

These days I mostly watch two things: documentary format videos and live sports. Sometimes I watch current news, podcasts/vlogs, or movies but much less. Regular YouTube is good for those but YouTube TV or traditional cable is desirable and cost effective for live sports.

YouTube TV currently includes the Big Ten network, my favorite conference as my first degree was from Purdue. I have more difficulty watching Middle Tennessee State, which was my second alma mater, if there is such a thing. I haven't found a single, cost-effective solution to that problem. It's not as important of an athletic program so coverage is spotty.

I guess the point of this post being that I saved money by moving away from traditional cable. I think the future of cable companies is to be an internet service provider, and eventually satellite will likely kill that. You might want to think about selling your stock.


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